A year of this site, and a large Wordle™
What do you blog, my lord? Words, words, words. Too many, but now in nice colours.
I have had about four blogs now, and this most recent one has been going for just over a year. I still remember every now and then that it might be worth importing the old content before I lose it, but it was no better than the standard now, that is, not very good. In the last year, I have produced something like seventy thousand words of content spread over one hundred and twenty scribbles, making the average length over five hundred words. I produced a Wordle™ of the last year, of no statistical significance and conveying only things my readers and I already knew, but it looks pretty.
Note that making a Worlde™ with lots of words actually takes a bit of
work. The site’s Atom tool, and all the standard tools, truncate whatever
you feed them after a few thousand words. You have to stringify your
content, and POST
it to
. The pruning of common words was
pretty conservative, so I grabbed the list of words it gave me and reduced
it down much further on rather arbitrary criteria. The result is not worth
it, but having been done had to be posted.